Robbi Shveyd Founded Advanced Wellness in 2001. She leads the fitness sessions and nutritional counseling at Advanced Wellness. Robbi has a B.S. in Dietetics (with a minor in sports psychology) from U.C. Davis and a Masters in Kinesiology (exercise physiology) from San Francisco State University. A competitive athlete when she was younger (gymnastics, dance and softball), Robbi’s passion around nutrition and fitness led her to get certified as a group fitness instructor, eventually being promoted to Director, while she was still an undergraduate. After graduating from U.C. Davis, she stayed on to teach a session at UCD and become the Assistant Director of Wellness at Apple in Elk Grove. While in graduate school, Robbi was training people in their homes and at small personal training studios throughout San Francisco. She ended up training almost all of her clients at the home of two of her clients, who referred her dozens more. When that couple decided to sell their house, Robbi knew it was time to look for a more permanent home for the launch of her San Francisco fitness and training business.